Big Bootstrapped Recovery Update
I totally reworked process for start clockwork recovery.
[*]Now it started via hijacking mot_boot_mode.
[*]More stable.
[*]Not needed symlinks for mot_boot_mode.
[*]Not needed shell-scripts for reboot into recovery (
[*]Not needed terminal or adb shell acess.
[*]APK available :D
How it works.
It hijacked mot_boot_mode executable if /data/.recovery_mode file exist
system at boot will start recovery from
# ls -l /cdrom/recovery
-rwxr-xr-x root root 483020 2011-06-17 03:52 hijack
-rwxr-xr-x root root 1422867 2011-06-17 03:52
-rwxr-xr-x root root 255908 2011-06-17 03:52 update-binary
Hijacked executable will unpack via update-binary, restart root-hacked adbd.
Don't forget that
/cdrom/cdrom_vfat.bin will be REMOVED
If you need it backup it by hands.
If you use my previous recovery you need
or manually remove all files (needed normal lvl of unix knowledge)
or reflash your phone via RsdLite or sbf_flash
known bug:
[*]system can't remount from recovery menu.
Temorary fix:
adb shell
umount -l /system